3/6/2011: 10 NEW/OLD REVIEWS POSTED!!! Click any one of these words for a new review!
12/31/2010: Okay - haven't updated this page in a while...I know. But I have been adding beers to the "BEER" page! Like last years sour brown from the Lips of Faith series "La Folie". Check it out! HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! Gonna try and commit to posting a little more often in 2011. Regardless - I haven't stopped drinking beer - and neither should you! CHEERS!
09/18/10: Yes - it has been a while since updating this home page. Got a lot of good stuff comin' in the next few weeks. But rest assured - I have been updating the beer page. After I finish posting my latest reviews, I'll have over 100 beers up! Oh how times flies. Anyways - I apologize to those readers that visit with semi-regularity, but promise to keep you informed when I post new content.
04/23/10: HOLA! I have been updating this site - and have MANY MANY reviews to post. Check the BEER page - see if you can find the new reviews. Read the old ones too! More to come...
12/04/09: Check out the NEW "Links" page! Visit some sites and stores from good friends. I'll be adding more beer reviews soon. But got this page up and running tonight - wanted to share :-)
11/01/09: I know...same old thing. I may not have updated this site in FAR too long. BUT fear not. I have been drinking :-) Got 3 new reviews posted to make this Sunday feel more productive than just recovery from the night before (Halloween). Alas - I have about 20 more reviews written that just need to be posted. For now - please enjoy these reviews (as I enjoyed the beers). Marin Brewing Company's Wheatwine Style Ale (A wheat beer with 9.2% ABV), Maui Brewing Company's Coconut Porter (DELICIOUS out of a can!), and Rogues Imperial Red (From a ceramic bottle...but...eh.) I'll post many more very soon...
05/30/09: Yeah yeah - I know. Been a while...again. Got 6 that's right SIX new reviews posted! Check'em out! An Abbey, Cai/Belgian Holiday, Dogfish Chicory Stout and the covetedWestvleteran 6, 8, and 12!!! Start here...
04/25/09: Okay - just a quick note here as I'm getting ready to head out to San Francisco's infamous International Beer Festival! FINALLY got around to posting a few updates (got a few more that I'll post later this week). For now - here's what I've been drinkin'! A delicious Germansmoke beer, a classic American lager, an appetizing Wheat Ale from Santa Barbara, a fantasticApricot/Hop hybrid, a not so fantastic beer from New York claiming to be from Mississippi and well...the BEST brunch I've ever had brewed with...uh...poop. Yeah. Seriously. Check'em out!
03/28/09: Yeah...yeah I know. It's been WAY too long since I last updated this site. But fear not - I have been drinking beer. For YOU (my reader) ;-) I've got a few more written, that I promise to post sooner than later. For now, you can read about a Scottish Stout here, a Belgian Style Farmhouse Ale here, a delicious Cali-Belgian IPA hybrid here, something "epic" here, and a well known Belgian here. Wow - that's a lot of beer! More to come...
02/08/09: No new reviews to post just yet - but I have been tasting a lot...I mean - a LOT of beer lately. It's SF Beer Week and Strong Beer Month in San Francisco! It occurred to me at the Belgian Beer Tasting class I took at La Trappe by Stu from Belgian Beer Me - that I should post something about all the cool events happening this week and this month around San Francisco! You'll find me at these events - likely a few more as well:
Sunday Feb. 8th @ City Beer Store / 5:00 PM: Book Signing and Tasting with Sam Caligione - Founder/Brewer of Dogfish Head.
Monday Feb. 9th @ 21st Amendment Brewery / 6:00PM: “Wanna git my Eastern Peanut Butter in yer Western Chocolate” Witness Sam Calagione from Dogfish Head and Shaun O'Sullivan of the 21st Amendment in an East vs. West Coast Slam pairing Dogfish Head beers with West Coast foods and21A beers with East Coast food. Includes a 4-course dinner for $50.
Wednesday Feb. 11th @ Toronado: "Ommegang Night" Ommegang Beers paired with a fine selection of cheeses. Including one of my personal favorites - the Three Philosophers!
Thursday Feb. 12th @ 21st Amendment Brewery / 6pm-9pm: "Got Wood?" at the 21st Amendmentis an evening featuring wood and barrel aged beers from Elysian Brewing in Seattle, Washington and the 21-A served in the Brewers Loft at the 21st Amendment.
Saturday Feb. 14th - 20th @ Toronado: "Barleywine Festival" Over 50 Barleywines from around the country. Judging on Saturday, February 14th. Gotta be there!
I'll update the "Events" page of my site soon - and get an e-mail list going as well. If you'd like to be added to that list, send me an e-mail at espec18@gmail.com. I'll make sure you get added. Thanks for reading - happy drinking! :-)
01/25/09: Posted reviews for Anderson Valley's Brother David Triple Abbey Ale, Brother Thelonious Abbey Ale, He'Brew 12 Anniversary Ale and Sierra Nevada's Southern Hemisphere Fresh Hop Harvest Series 2008. Check'em out! Check them ALL out on the Beer page! :-)
01/11/09: HAPPY NEW YEAR! I know it's been a while since updating the site - my internet's been down. But don't fret! Got a couple new reviews posted today. One for Sam Smith's Organic Ale they call "Tadcaster" and finally posted the Sam Adams Chocolate Bock! Among my many, many other resolution for 2009 - I resolve to get to 100 reviews by or before June! I'm at 33 now - should make that happen in no time. Thanks for reading - HAPPY DRINKING!
11/24/08: WWED turns 30! Check out the BEER page. 30 reviews now posted! Wow...that's a lot of beer. And I've got a fridge full of special releases, and everyday classics that assure me I have more reviews comin'! Check back often. New reviews now posted on Budweiser American Ale,Sierra Nevada Wet Hop and 21st Amendment Hell or High Watermelon Wheat Beer. And one of my current favs - Ommegangs "Three Philosophers" Belgian Style Quad. Check it out...
11/19/08: Dogfish Head "Punk" and Kasteel Rouge reviewed. One got an "A" the other got a "C". Check'em out...
11/13/08: As suggested - I've added links to all breweries AND "Buy Links" (where possible) to allreviews! Check it out. Your feedback is much appreciated. Keep the comments comin'. Up next? More reviews and a Blog where you can leave your own thoughts and comments. Thanks for reading :-)
11/03/08: Wow - has it been 2 weeks since my last update? Well - worry not my friends, I have been hard at work and drinking some great beers for YOU! Among them are my six latest reviews: Allagash Curieux, Harvest Moon (2008), Port Brewing Wipeout IPA, Thirsty Bear McDobel Scotch Ale, Rogue Smoke Ale and the Ommegang Three Philosophers! I'll be making some critical site updates in the days to come - including direct buy links where possible! So be sure to check back soon. For now - I added a couple new links on where you can find these beers and more on the "ABOUT THE DRINKS" page. Your feedback is always much appreciated, so don't be shy to write me anytime. Spread the word - thanks for reading - happy drinking...
10/20/08: 2 new reviews posted. Samuel Smiths IPA and Moylans "Old Blarney" Barleywine! Check'em out! There are probably a few others on the BEER page that weren't announced on the front page here. Like Marin Brewing Companies Blueberry Ale, or the Live Oak "Big Bark Amber" from Texas! Thanks for reading :-)
10/17/08: New reviews posted (18 total now!). Jacks Pumpkin Spice Ale and the Full Moon Winter Ale. I'd like to set the record straight on one more thing. This is a VERY new site, so I'm kinda learning as I go. I realize that most the beers so far have received A's and B's in my book. That's cause I'm the one drinking the beer - and so far, I've been drinking good beers! Or at least beers that I've heard are good and I should try. And to be honest and truthful, I'm not gonna give a beer a bad grade to increase my credibility. If a beer is genuinely good - I'll represent it as such! But don't you fret - I've got a whole fridge full of toss ups which I have no idea or expectations of that I'm looking forward to drinking. So please - keep checking back here. I'll drink some bad beer for ya soon ;-)
10/10/08: WOW! Check out the NEW format for the Beer page! Looks more like a chapter index now. Hopefully this makes it much easier to navigate and explore the beers. Let me know what you think. My contact info is on the About Me page :-)
10/09/08: As difficult as it's been to go the last 24 hours without any food, water or beer (Yom Kippur) - I did manage to finish writing and posting 4 new reviews. The Gulden Draak, Tranquair, Hitachino White and Petalumas own Lagunitas Cappuccino Stout. Read all about it here.
10/7/08: Happy New Year to my fellow tribe members! This year, I resolve to drink more beer - and write about most ;-) On that note. After one short month - WWED has turned 10! 10 reviews posted on the Beer page! I'm working on a new, easier layout to find the reviews. But for now, they are listed alphabetically by the brewery or most commonly referred to name. Also coming soon - an e-mail list, RSS feed, and even MORE reviews! Thanks for reading...
9/30/08: Info added to About Me. 3 new reviews posted. Look for many more in the days to come...
9/18/08: Check out my thoughts of the Sam Adams Octoberfest Ale I had at Chug Pub in San Francisco.
9/11/08: My first "A" review! Check out my review of the Coopers Brewery Sparkling Ale I enjoyed last night at Bin 38!
9/10/08: First review posted on the BEER page! Check out what I think of the Sierra Nevada 2008 Anniversary Ale!
9/9/08: About The Drinks updated with info on "Beer". Much, much more to come...obviously. Got a lot of work to do ;-)