What Would Eli Drink?
North Coast Old Stock Ale
WWED Grade: C+

Appearance: Dark Amber/Red.

Smell: Sweet malts.

Taste: Bitter sweet. Musky at the end. The after taste really lingers with heavy muskiness, slightly skunky on the breath.

Mouthfeel: A syrup like smooth. Medium carbonation.

Drinkability: Very drinkable. I definitely plan on drinking this beer again.

ABV: 13.25% ('Scuse me?!?! Come again???)

Serving Type: Bottle poured in glass.


I didn’t enjoy this beer as much at the end as I did in the beginning. Certainly has a high ABV, but that doesn’t necessarily mean it will be a great beer. Has a good smell, and my first sip was enjoyable. But by the end, it had warmed up a bit and was tough to get down. Make sure you drink it cold. It’s definitely worth having once. And I know a number of other beer drinkers really like this brew – so give it a shot. Would I have it again? Maybe – but likely not too soon. Far too many new beers for me to try.